Thursday, February 14, 2013

PUBLIC SPEAKING: Pre-Speech Thoughts

Every Talk is an Opportunity
So... what do you think about the day before you give a speech?  An hour before?  Minutes before?  For me, it begins way before that.
Whats the Big Goal?
For the most part, I don't get surprised by a talk just moments before I need to stand before a group.  I've been told in advance or asked well in advance to deliver a message. For me, there's a big difference in a talk I'll give representing the LPGA and a speech or keynote I may give to a group.  The first thing I always think... is what a great opportunity I have in front of me.  That's half the battle for some people who would shy away from a talk no matter five minutes or forty five minutes.
    Here's what I think are the keys to success, no matter the group in front of you.

1. Know Why You've Been Asked - If it's for work, then think about what might be expected.  If its on the "speaker circuit" then consider why you were selected.  Once you figure that out, you can frame up your talk.

2.  How Long? - This is always an interesting consideration for me.  I've been asked to speak for as long as two hours and as short as five minutes.  I just read recently that the "perfect speech" is about twenty minutes.  And the reason is the attention span of the audience.  Here's my take... the person who asks you to speak will determine length, not you. I've rarely been told "Go as long as you'd like, we've got all day!"  It's important because if the talk is short, you'd better hook em' quick and get right into it.

What are my Key Points?
3.  Two to Three Key Points Are? - Any more and people won't retain it.  So when I frame up a talk I think about the two or three things I want my audience to leave with.  Sometimes its a theme or themes.... sometimes its a word or words that allows them to digest and remember.

4.  How Can I Jump-Start The Audience? - There's no more important part of a talk than the very moment you get the floor.  So I think of a quick way to engage... maybe a story, maybe a humorous event that relates to the audience, maybe a word that has impact, maybe something of impact that is relevant.  No matter what it is.. the delivery is the key.  If you're slow out of the gate... you may never have the chance to rally.

5.  Stay Calm.. Deep Breath... then Nail It - I always find a calm place moments before the talk I'm going to give.  One last chance to gather thoughts, gain confidence and get your heart rate in the right place.  Then I walk to the front and just let go.

I don't know that these things work for everyone.  But they work for me.  I recently had a wonderful chance to speak to folks in Denver about the LPGA and one of our showcase events.  Ten minutes... give or take on two consecutive nights.  A few weeks ago it was a keynote to a group of student athletes and their families.  Forty five minutes.  The mission was the same... have a message, know the audience, engage and unite.

The next chance is coming soon... and every one presents a new challenge.  Are you ready?

I'd love to get your thoughts and as always, thanks for following and sharing this blog.

Thought of the Day:  Somebody gave you the stage.  Now, what are you going to do with it?  If you don't think about it, your odds of success are limited.

Follow me @KraigKann

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