Thursday, October 25, 2012

MEDIA TRAINING: Top Tips for a Top-Notch Interview

So what is the number one fear among Americans?  It’s not spiders, or even death. 

It’s public speaking.  Most folks want no part of the camera, the forum or the success that could come with handling both. To me, it’s a big mistake to shy away from the spotlight. You’re actually lucky if you get it.  As I like to say…

 “People should die for the opportunity”
Speaking success isn’t a given.  Those who are good at it … work at it.  And those who are being interviewed with regularity pay attention to the results. 

The communication of a message requires time, practice energy, and…. above all… experience.   It doesn’t matter if it’s a presentation that requires answering questions to a small group, a large auditorium, or an audience on the other side of the television camera or radio microphone…. when you get the chance, go for it because you may not get another one and you may never know what’s on the other side of a good interview.

Here are my tips for success if you’re the one with the golden opportunity.

Who's Interviewing? What's Their Goal?
 * Always anticipate:  Who’s interviewing you?  Who’s listening to you?  What’s coming your way?

* Think before you speak: Take time to think about what you’ll deliver… and then do it with confidence.  “Winging it” will get you nowhere.  Deep breath before deep thoughts.

* Take Charge:  Be an interview “control freak.”  Always remember that the interviewee has the power – if – they use it creatively and effectively.

* Acknowledge Every Question:  No matter how tough or how bad they may be… make sure you share with them and the audience a belief that you understand what they’re asking.  After doing that… feel free to go in your own direction and sell your message.  “I understand what you’re asking, and while I can’t speak directly to that, what I can tell you is this….. “

Have Goals, Have a Message
* Have Your Own Goals:  What is it that you want to get out of the interview?  Do you have a game plan?   Those who succeed with the media have thought about what they’re trying to accomplish and what they stand for. 

* Don’t Answer Questions: Manage them!  A crafty interview subject is someone who’s like a running back who sees the whole field and is able to cut and shift along the way to a long run.  Once you know who you are and what you want people to say about you, you’ll know how to steer things in your direction.

* Be Presentable: Image isn’t just one thing… it may be the most important thing.  Determine the look that works for you.  Don’t dress where you are, dress where you want to go – or where you want the audience to take you.

An interview is a precious commodity.  Think of a football team.  Many on the team will never have the chance to be in front of the microphone.  Those who do.... have a chance to speak for themselves and also represent the entire team.

Public speaking is a gift that can serve you well.  How you handle your next chance can serve up many more opportunities.

 Line of the Day:  If you’re scared to be interviewed, you haven’t thought enough about the opportunity of your answers.

Follow me on Twitter @KraigKann
Learn more @HTKmedia

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