Tuesday, December 18, 2012

PUBLIC SPEAKING: The Importance of EVERY Opportunity

Do television for twenty-five years.... and you get plenty of “speaking opportunities.”  It’s a rush for sure and the next show comes fast and with the need for just as much  energy.

But most folks aren’t television hosts or radio hosts with a new stage and a different message every day.  Most people only get a board room presentation or a speaking engagement every now and then.

The value of the platform is something to be taken seriously - especially the first time.  Why?  Simple. Because you may never get the second chance.

     Here’s four things you stand to gain by making the most of  a stage – no matter how big.

Fear Not... Just Prepare
        *  Your Current Standing - No matter the role you currently hold, a solid speaking opportunity can cement the way people in your work circle look at you.  It adds validity to your title and value to your work.  Being fearful of a chance to speak only limits the opportunity to hit a "home run" with your audience, co-workers or potential business clients.

     * Your Word of Mouth Image – It’s not always where you are… but where you may be headed.  Everyone likes to be respected.  And if you can stand in front of an audience and deliver something powerful, special and relevant… people with spread the word.  It’s human nature.  We are all gossipers and if your talk is deserving of attention, people will talk and people will know.

Big Group = Bigger Opportunity
    * Your Message Being Heard – Doesn’t matter if you are an author selling a book, or an executive in a leadership role.  Everyone is looking to pass along “value ideas.”  (At least they should be.) The speaking opportunity gives you an opportunity you can’t get via email or a small group session.  The big group gives you more energy and a bigger chance to sell people on your ideas.  We all have ideas locked up in our heads.... and some never get an outlet.  Make sure you take the outlet and then be dynamic.

    * Your Impact on Business Outcome – Let's get back to the idea of creating a following.  If you’re selling a business idea, or a new product… the opportunity to take the stage and “sell” is like an unpaid advertisement.  A huge chance lies in front of your feet so it goes without saying that preparation and practice can lead to big things for your business and the future of those who come in contact with it.

I’m always honored to be able to speak in front of groups.  Stories to tell... ideas to sell.  Every audience is a new chance to spread a message and you actually learn quite a bit about yourself in the process.  I take great pride in the preparation – whether for a work presentation... or perhaps an outside engagement.  Sometimes you get pushed into a speaking role... sometimes you get requested for it.  Either way... free or paid... you owe them your best effort.  Anything less is more damaging to you than the audience.

Remember… not everyone gets the chance.  So make the most of it… and you’ll find your way into many, many more.  Tell me about your latest speaking opportunity....

 Line of the Day:  The building of the speaking stage requires a lot of work, what you deliver on that stage can give you more opportunities to build it even bigger.

Follow me on Twitter @KraigKann ... and share your comments

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