Friday, June 28, 2013

PUBLIC SPEAKING: It's YOUR Stage - What Will You Do With It?

My "STAGE" for 17 years
    Twenty five years …. roughly two hundred and fifty days a year in the studio…and - conservatively - a minimum of two shows a day.  That’s 12,500 shows hosted during my television career – at a bare minimum.

   Whether it was a desk, couch, chair or set… I was a part of a stage.  And I always knew that once the red light went on, it was time to make something happen.  It was a chance to spread the news, share the opinion, react to the event … and simply “getting through it” was never an option.

   Something I was taught many years ago has stuck with me throughout my professional career.  My hope is that it helps you too.  I was told that “at some point, you’ll find yourself on a stage of great importance and you’d better do something with it.” 

A Big Moment - YOUR Moment

   The way I took it was that I’d better focus on the end result possibilities well before I took that stage.  Here are three examples:

   Recently, I told a television analyst who sought me out for counsel that he should enter every show with 2 things he’s going to get out to the audience (important to him) regardless of the questions that come his way.  It’s his stage – what will he do with it?

    Recently, I told a group of interns that they need to make sure that when they leave the LPGA after their time working with us that they need to leave with tangible evidence of a project they made an impact with and not just leave saying “I did an internship at the LPGA.”  It’s their stage – what will they do with it?

     Recently, I prepared for a keynote speech in front of a group of about 400 golf industry folks. The talk is no more than 30 minutes which allows for a relatively good amount of time.  I have focused all attention the clear message and not just how I’ll “fill the time.”  It’s my stage – what will I do with it?

    Think of a guest on a talk show… or an interview on a newscast.  That’s a stage to deliver things that mean something to YOU.  Twitter is a stage for people to share THEIR message.  The Super Bowl is the biggest stage for the NFL – thus all the effort put into showcasing their league.  A “state of the union” address is President Obama’s stage to spread his word, his message and instill confidence among Americans.

    At some point soon, the red light will go on for you. I hope a light bulb goes on :)  Think about the take-away.  Think about the key message points you NEED to deliver.  Think about what you want them to say about you once you’re done.  Remember, it’s your stage, what will YOU do with it?
Light Bulb Moment - What WILL You Deliver?


    Thanks for following this blog, sharing with others.  What can you share about the last stage you’ve been on and what you thought?  I’d love to read about it here.  And thanks for following me on Twitter @KraigKann

Thought for the Day:  If you’re nervous about stepping onto the stage, perhaps you haven’t thought enough about the message you hope to deliver.  Prepare for success.

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