Thursday, December 8, 2016


When it comes to success, if you want to be relevant in your business then you should make sure the goal is to do something relevant.  Shake yourself to the professional core and figure out your beliefs and what you stand for.  THAT is where the brand begins.

Everybody wants to be a part of something significant.  And today, businesses and people are working like never before to promote their efforts and brands.  And the way to do that is strategic communications.  Here are three of the best ways to bring your brand to life.

VIDEO:  In today’s world of content consumption, its video, video and video. It’s a way to share your value proposition and your story.  Some statistics:  87% of online marketers use video content, one minute of video is estimated to equal to 1.8 million words, 90% of users say product videos are helpful in their decision process… and one-third of all online activity is spent using video.  It’s not a way of the future.  It’s here today and here to stay.  Time to invest in video storytelling.

TEAM MESSAGING: It’s one thing for the chief spokesperson to share your message or the CEO.  That is their job.  But when everyone in an organization knows the message and shares it using their own social media platforms, that’s a whole new world of connection.  If everyone in your company thinks of themselves as a Chief Marketing Officer and spokesperson of the brand, the reach is bigger and so is the brand.
Let People In to See Value

WINDOWS, NOT DOORS: Can people see inside your world?  Or is it a closed shop?  A degree of authenticity is huge for consumers looking to see what they are buying. Create value by letting them in as best you can.  Tell them what your story is and let them see you at work.  People want to feel connected.  Find a way.

The key today is to offer up and not hold back.  Taking control of content and pushing out your own story works far better than waiting for people to take notice and media to cover you.  Don’t be scared to tell your story and work hard to find ways to connect.  Your brand depends on it.

Thanks for reading this blog …. I hope you’ll share on your platform.  Follow me @KraigKann and thanks for considering @KannAdvisory to help elevate your people, brands and events.

Thought for the Day: Developing a brand means defining its personality, sending a clear messaging and creating emotional connection. 

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